
Asterisk provides a rich assortment of information-carrying events by default, the standard set of which are described here.


All of the following objects should be accessed as part of the ami.core_events namespace, regardless of the modules in which they are defined.


class ami.core_events.AGIExec(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Generated when an AGI script executes an arbitrary application.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel in use
  • ‘Command’: The command that was issued
  • ‘CommandId’: The command’s identifier, used to track events from start to finish
  • ‘SubEvent’: “Start”, “End”
  • ‘Result’: Only present when ‘SubEvent’ is “End”: “Success” (and “Failure”?)
  • ‘ResultCode’: Only present when ‘SubEvent’ is “End”: the result-code from Asterisk

Translates the ‘Result’ header’s value into a bool.

Translates the ‘ResultCode’ header’s value into an int, setting it to -1 if coercion fails.

class ami.core_events.AsyncAGI(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Generated when an AGI request is processed.

  • All fields currently unknown
class ami.core_events.ChannelUpdate(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a change in a channel.

Some fields are type-dependent and will appear as children of that type in the list.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel being described
  • ‘Channeltype’: One of the following types
  • ‘SIP’: SIP channels have the following fields
  • ‘UniqueID’: An Asterisk-unique value
class ami.core_events.CoreShowChannel(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Provides the definition of an active Asterisk channel.

  • ‘AccountCode’: The account code associated with the channel
  • ‘Application’: The application currently being executed by the channel
  • ‘ApplicationData’: The arguments provided to the application
  • ‘BridgedChannel’: The channel to which this channel is connected, if any
  • ‘BridgedUniqueID’: ?
  • ‘CallerIDnum’: The (often) numeric address of the caller
  • ‘CallerIDname’: The (optional, media-specific) name of the caller
  • ‘Channel’: The channel being described
  • ‘ChannelState’: One of the following numeric values, as a string:
  • ‘0’: Not connected
  • ‘4’: Alerting
  • ‘6’: Connected
  • ‘ChannelStateDesc’: A lexical description of the channel’s current state
  • ‘ConnectedLineNum’: The (often) numeric address of the called party (may be nil)
  • ‘ConnectedLineName’: The (optional, media-specific) name of the called party (may be nil)
  • ‘Context’: The dialplan context in which the channel is executing
  • ‘Duration’: The client’s connection time in “hh:mm:ss” form
  • ‘Extension’: The dialplan context in which the channel is executing
  • ‘Priority’: The dialplan priority in which the channel is executing
  • ‘UniqueID’: An Asterisk-unique value (the timestamp at which the channel was connected?)

Translates the ‘ChannelState’ header’s value into an int, setting it to None if coercion fails.

Replaces the ‘Duration’ header’s value with the number of seconds, as an int, or -1 if conversion fails.

class ami.core_events.CoreShowChannelsComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that all Asterisk channels have been listed.

  • ‘ListItems’ : The number of items returned prior to this event

Translates the ‘ListItems’ header’s value into an int, or -1 on failure.

class ami.core_events.DBGetResponse(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Provides the value requested from the database.

  • ‘Family’: The family of the value being provided
  • ‘Key’: The key of the value being provided
  • ‘Val’: The value being provided, represented as a string
class ami.core_events.DTMF(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

  • ‘Begin’: ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, indicating whether this started or ended the DTMF press
  • ‘Channel’: The channel being described
  • ‘Digit’: The DTMF digit that was pressed
  • ‘Direction’: ‘Received’ or ‘Sent’
  • ‘End’: ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, indicating whether this started or ended the DTMF press (inverse of Begin, though both may be Yes if the event has no duration)
  • ‘UniqueID’: An Asterisk-unique value

Translates ‘Begin’ and ‘End’ into booleans, and adds a ‘Received’:bool header.

class ami.core_events.FullyBooted(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that Asterisk is online.

  • ‘Status’: “Fully Booted”
class ami.core_events.Hangup(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a channel has been hung up.

  • ‘Cause’: One of the following numeric values, as a string:
  • ‘0’: Hung up
  • ‘16’: Normal clearing
  • ‘Cause-txt’: Additional information related to the hangup
  • ‘Channel’: The channel hung-up
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value

Translates the ‘Cause’ header’s value into an int, setting it to None if coercion fails.

class ami.core_events.HangupRequest(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Emitted when a request to terminate the call is received.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel identifier used by Asterisk
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value
class ami.core_events.MonitorStart(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that monitoring has begun.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel being monitored
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value
class ami.core_events.MonitorStop(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that monitoring has ceased.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel that was monitored
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value
class ami.core_events.NewAccountCode(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that the account-code associated with a channel has changed.

  • ‘AccountCode’: The new account code
  • ‘Channel’: The channel that was affected.
  • ‘OldAccountCode’: The old account code
class ami.core_events.Newchannel(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a new channel has been created.

  • ‘AccountCode’: The billing account associated with the channel; may be empty
  • ‘CallerIDNum’: The (often) numeric identifier of the caller
  • ‘CallerIDName’: The caller’s name, on supporting channels
  • ‘Channel’: The channel identifier used by Asterisk
  • ‘ChannelState’: One of the following numeric values, as a string:
  • ‘0’: Not connected
  • ‘4’: Alerting
  • ‘6’: Connected
  • ‘ChannelStateDesc’: A lexical description of the channel’s current state
  • ‘Context’: The context that the channel is currently operating in
  • ‘Exten’: The extension the channel is currently operating in
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value

Translates the ‘ChannelState’ header’s value into an int, setting it to None if coercion fails.

class ami.core_events.Newexten(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Emitted when a channel switches executing extensions.

  • ‘AppData’: The argument passed to the application
  • ‘Application’: The application being invoked
  • ‘Channel’: The channel identifier used by Asterisk
  • ‘Context’: The context the channel is currently operating in
  • ‘Extension’: The extension the channel is currently operating in
  • ‘Priority’: The priority the channel is currently operating in
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value
class ami.core_events.Newstate(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a channel’s state has changed.

  • ‘CallerIDNum’: The (often) numeric identifier of the caller
  • ‘CallerIDName’: The caller’s name, on supporting channels
  • ‘Channel’: The channel identifier used by Asterisk
  • ‘ChannelStateDesc’: A lexical description of the channel’s current state
  • ‘ChannelState’: One of the following numeric values, as a string:
  • ‘0’: Not connected
  • ‘4’: Alerting
  • ‘6’: Connected
  • ‘ConnectedLineNum’: ?
  • ‘ConnectedLineName’: ?
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value

Translates the ‘ChannelState’ header’s value into an int, setting it to None if coercion fails.

class ami.core_events.OriginateResponse(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes the result of an Originate request.

  • ‘CallerIDName’: The supplied source name
  • ‘CallerIDNum’: The supplied source address
  • ‘Channel’: The Asterisk channel used for the call
  • ‘Context’: The dialplan context into which the call was placed, as a string; unused for applications
  • ‘Exten’: The dialplan extension into which the call was placed, as a string; unused for applications
  • ‘Reason’: An integer as a string, ostensibly one of the ORIGINATE_RESULT constants; undefined integers may exist

Sets the ‘Reason’ values to an int, one of the ORIGINATE_RESULT constants, with -1 indicating failure.

class ami.core_events.ParkedCall(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a parked call.

  • ‘CallerID’: The ID of the caller, “.+?” <.+?>
  • ‘CallerIDName’ (optional): The name of the caller, on supporting channels
  • ‘Channel’: The channel of the parked call
  • ‘Exten’: The extension associated with the parked call
  • ‘From’: The callback channel associated with the call
  • ‘Timeout’ (optional): The time remaining before the call is reconnected with the callback channel

Translates the ‘Timeout’ header’s value into an int, setting it to None if coercion fails, and leaving it absent if it wasn’t present in the original response.

class ami.core_events.ParkedCallsComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that all parked calls have been listed.

  • ‘Total’ : The number of items returned prior to this event

Translates the ‘Total’ header’s value into an int, or -1 on failure.

class ami.core_events.PeerEntry(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a peer.

  • ‘ChannelType’: The type of channel being described.
  • ‘SIP’
  • ‘ObjectName’: The internal name by which this peer is known
  • ‘ChanObjectType’: The type of object
  • ‘peer’
  • ‘IPaddress’ (optional): The IP of the peer
  • ‘IPport’ (optional): The port of the peer
  • ‘Dynamic’: ‘yes’ or ‘no’, depending on whether the peer is resolved by IP or authentication
  • ‘Natsupport’: ‘yes’ or ‘no’, depending on whether the peer’s messages’ content should be trusted for routing purposes. If not, packets are sent back to the last hop
  • ‘VideoSupport’: ‘yes’ or ‘no’
  • ‘ACL’: ‘yes’ or ‘no’
  • ‘Status’: ‘Unmonitored’, ‘OK (d+ ms)’
  • ‘RealtimeDevice’: ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Translates the ‘Port’ header’s value into an int, setting it to None if coercion fails, and leaving it absent if it wasn’t present in the original response.

Translates the ‘Dynamic’, ‘Natsupport’, ‘VideoSupport’, ‘ACL’, and ‘RealtimeDevice’ headers’ values into bools.

Translates ‘Status’ into the number of milliseconds since the peer was last seen or -2 if unmonitored. -1 if parsing failed.

class ami.core_events.PeerlistComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that all peers have been listed.

  • ‘ListItems’ : The number of items returned prior to this event

Translates the ‘ListItems’ header’s value into an int, or -1 on failure.

class ami.core_events.QueueEntry(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a call is waiting to be answered.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel of the inbound call
  • ‘CallerID’: The (often) numeric ID of the caller
  • ‘CallerIDName’ (optional): The friendly name of the caller on supporting channels
  • ‘Position’: The numeric position of the caller in the queue
  • ‘Queue’: The queue in which the caller is waiting
  • ‘Wait’: The number of seconds the caller has been waiting

Translates the ‘Position’ and ‘Wait’ headers’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

class ami.core_events.QueueMember(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a member of a queue.

  • ‘CallsTaken’: The number of calls received by this member
  • ‘LastCall’: The UNIX timestamp of the last call taken, or 0 if none
  • ‘Location’: The interface in the queue
  • ‘MemberName’ (optional): The friendly name of the member
  • ‘Membership’: “dynamic” (“static”, too?)
  • ‘Paused’: ‘1’ or ‘0’ for ‘true’ and ‘false’, respectively
  • ‘Penalty’: The selection penalty to apply to this member (higher numbers mean later selection)
  • ‘Queue’: The queue to which the member belongs
  • ‘Status’: One of the following, as a string:
  • ‘0’: Idle
  • ‘1’: In use
  • ‘2’: Busy

Translates the ‘CallsTaken’, ‘LastCall’, ‘Penalty’, and ‘Status’ headers’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

‘Paused’ is set to a bool.

class ami.core_events.QueueMemberAdded(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a member was added to a queue.

  • ‘CallsTaken’: The number of calls received by this member
  • ‘LastCall’: The UNIX timestamp of the last call taken, or 0 if none
  • ‘Location’: The interface added to the queue
  • ‘MemberName’ (optional): The friendly name of the member
  • ‘Membership’: “dynamic” (“static”, too?)
  • ‘Paused’: ‘1’ or ‘0’ for ‘true’ and ‘false’, respectively
  • ‘Penalty’: The selection penalty to apply to this member (higher numbers mean later selection)
  • ‘Queue’: The queue to which the member was added
  • ‘Status’: One of the following, as a string:
  • ‘0’: Idle
  • ‘1’: In use
  • ‘2’: Busy

Translates the ‘CallsTaken’, ‘LastCall’, ‘Penalty’, and ‘Status’ headers’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

‘Paused’ is set to a bool.

class ami.core_events.QueueMemberPaused(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that the pause-state of a queue member was changed.

  • ‘Location’: The interface added to the queue
  • ‘MemberName’ (optional): The friendly name of the member
  • ‘Paused’: ‘1’ or ‘0’ for ‘true’ and ‘false’, respectively
  • ‘Queue’: The queue in which the member was paused

‘Paused’ is set to a bool.

class ami.core_events.QueueMemberRemoved(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a member was removed from a queue.

  • ‘Location’: The interface removed from the queue
  • ‘MemberName’ (optional): The friendly name of the member
  • ‘Queue’: The queue from which the member was removed
class ami.core_events.QueueParams(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes the attributes of a queue.

  • ‘Abandoned’: The number of calls that have gone unanswered
  • ‘Calls’: The number of current calls in the queue
  • ‘Completed’: The number of completed calls
  • ‘Holdtime’: ?
  • ‘Max’: ?
  • ‘Queue’: The queue being described
  • ‘ServiceLevel’: ?
  • ‘ServiceLevelPerf’: ?
  • ‘Weight’: ?

Translates the ‘Abandoned’, ‘Calls’, ‘Completed’, ‘Holdtime’, and ‘Max’ headers’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

Translates the ‘ServiceLevel’, ‘ServiceLevelPerf’, and ‘Weight’ values into floats, setting them to -1 on error.

class ami.core_events.QueueStatusComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a QueueStatus request has completed.

class ami.core_events.QueueSummary(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a Summary of a queue. Example:

  • Event: QueueSummary
  • Queue: default
  • LoggedIn: 0
  • Available: 0
  • Callers: 0
  • HoldTime: 0
  • TalkTime: 0
  • LongestHoldTime: 0
  • Event: QueueSummaryComplete
  • EventList: Complete
  • ListItems: 2

Translates the ‘LoggedIn’, ‘Available’, ‘Callers’, ‘Holdtime’, ‘TalkTime’ and ‘LongestHoldTime’ headers’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

class ami.core_events.QueueSummaryComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that a QueueSummary request has completed.

class ami.core_events.RegistryEntry(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a SIP registration.

  • ‘Domain’: The domain in which the registration took place
  • ‘DomainPort’: The port in use in the registration domain
  • ‘Host’: The address of the host
  • ‘Port’: The port in use on the host
  • ‘Refresh’: The amount of time remaining until the registration will be renewed
  • ‘RegistrationTime’: The time at which the registration was made, as a UNIX timestamp
  • ‘State’: The current status of the registration
  • ‘Username’: The username used for the registration

Translates the ‘DomainPort’, ‘Port’, ‘Refresh’, and ‘RegistrationTime’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

class ami.core_events.RegistrationsComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that all registrations have been listed.

  • ‘ListItems’ : The number of items returned prior to this event

Translates the ‘ListItems’ header’s value into an int, or -1 on failure.

class ami.core_events.Reload(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that Asterisk’s configuration was reloaded.

  • ‘Message’: A human-readable summary
  • ‘Module’: The affected module
  • ‘Status’: ‘Enabled’
class ami.core_events.RTCPReceived(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

A Real Time Control Protocol message emitted by Asterisk when using an RTP-based channel, providing statistics on the quality of a connection, for the receiving leg.

  • ‘DLSR’: ? (float as a string, followed by ‘(sec)’)
  • ‘FractionLost’: The percentage of lost packets, a float as a string
  • ‘From’: The IP and port of the source, separated by a colon
  • ‘HighestSequence’: ? (int as string)
  • ‘IAJitter’: ? (float as a string)
  • ‘LastSR’: ? (int as string)
  • ‘PacketsLost’: The number of lost packets, as a string
  • ‘PT’: ?
  • ‘ReceptionReports’: The number of reports used to compile this event, as a string
  • ‘SenderSSRC’: Session source
  • ‘SequenceNumberCycles’: ?

Translates the ‘HighestSequence’, ‘LastSR’, ‘PacketsLost’, ‘ReceptionReports, and ‘SequenceNumbercycles’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

Translates the ‘DLSR’, ‘FractionLost’, ‘IAJitter’, and ‘SentNTP’ values into floats, setting them to -1 on error.

Splits ‘From’ into a tuple of IP:str and port:int, or sets it to None if the format is unknown.

class ami.core_events.RTCPSent(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

A Real Time Control Protocol message emitted by Asterisk when using an an RTP-based channel, providing statistics on the quality of a connection, for the sending leg.

  • ‘CumulativeLoss’: The number of lost packets, as a string
  • ‘DLSR’: ? (float as a string, followed by ‘(sec)’)
  • ‘FractionLost’: The percentage of lost packets, a float as a string
  • ‘IAJitter’: ? (float as a string)
  • ‘OurSSRC’: Session source
  • ‘ReportBlock’: ?
  • ‘SentNTP’: The NTP value, a float as a string
  • ‘SentOctets’: The number of bytes sent, as a string
  • ‘SentPackets’: The number of packets sent, as a string
  • ‘SentRTP’: The number of RTP events sent, as a string
  • ‘TheirLastSR’: ? (int as string)
  • ‘To’: The IP and port of the recipient, separated by a colon

Translates the ‘CumulativeLoss’, ‘SentOctets’, ‘SentPackets’, ‘SentRTP’, and ‘TheirLastSR’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

Translates the ‘DLSR’, ‘FractionLost’, ‘IAJitter’, and ‘SentNTP’ values into floats, setting them to -1 on error.

Splits ‘To’ into a tuple of IP:str and port:int, or sets it to None if the format is unknown.

class ami.core_events.Shutdown(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Emitted when Asterisk shuts down.

  • ‘Restart’: “True” or “False”
  • ‘Shutdown’: “Cleanly”

‘Restart’ is set to a bool.

class ami.core_events.SoftHangupRequest(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Emitted when a request to terminate the call is exchanged.

  • ‘Channel’: The channel identifier used by Asterisk
  • ‘Cause’: The reason for the disconnect, a numeric value as a string:
  • ‘16’: ?
  • ‘32’: ?
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value
class ami.core_events.Status(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes the current status of a channel.

  • ‘Account’: The billing account associated with the channel; may be empty
  • ‘Channel’: The channel being described
  • ‘CallerID’: The ID of the caller, “.+?” <.+?>
  • ‘CallerIDNum’: The (often) numeric component of the CallerID
  • ‘CallerIDName’ (optional): The, on suporting channels, name of the caller, enclosed in quotes
  • ‘Context’: The context of the directive the channel is executing
  • ‘Extension’: The extension of the directive the channel is executing
  • ‘Link’: ?
  • ‘Priority’: The priority of the directive the channel is executing
  • ‘Seconds’: The number of seconds the channel has been active
  • ‘State’: “Up”
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value

Translates the ‘Seconds’ header’s value into an int, setting it to -1 on error.

class ami.core_events.StatusComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that all requested channel information has been provided.

  • ‘Items’: The number of items emitted prior to this event

Translates the ‘Items’ header’s value into an int, or -1 on failure.

class ami.core_events.UserEvent(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Generated in response to the UserEvent request.

  • *: Any key-value pairs supplied with the request, as strings
class ami.core_events.VarSet(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Emitted when a variable is set, either globally or on a channel.

  • ‘Channel’ (optional): The channel on which the variable was set, if not global
  • ‘Uniqueid’: An Asterisk unique value
  • ‘Value’: The value of the variable, as a string
  • ‘Variable’: The name of the variable that was set
class ami.core_events.VoicemailUserEntry(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Describes a voicemail user.

  • ‘AttachMessage’: “Yes”, “No”
    • ‘AttachmentFormat’: unknown
    • ‘CallOperator’: “Yes”, “No”
    • ‘CanReview’: “Yes”, “No”
  • ‘Callback’: unknown
  • ‘DeleteMessage’: “Yes”, “No”
  • ‘Dialout’: unknown
  • ‘Email’: unknown
  • ‘ExitContext’: The context to use when leaving the mailbox
  • ‘Fullname’: unknown
  • ‘IMAPFlags’: Any associated IMAP flags (IMAP only)
    • ‘IMAPPort’: The associated IMAP port (IMAP only)
    • ‘IMAPServer’: The associated IMAP server (IMAP only)
    • ‘IMAPUser’: The associated IMAP username (IMAP only)
    • ‘Language’: The language to use for voicemail prompts
    • ‘MailCommand’: unknown
    • ‘MaxMessageCount’: The maximum number of messages that can be stored
    • ‘MaxMessageLength’: The maximum length of any particular message
    • ‘NewMessageCount’: The number of unheard messages
    • ‘OldMessageCount’: The number of previously heard messages (IMAP only)
    • ‘Pager’: unknown
  • ‘SayCID’: “Yes”, “No”
  • ‘SayDurationMinimum’: The minumum amount of time a message may be
  • ‘SayEnvelope’: “Yes”, “No”
  • ‘ServerEmail’: unknown
  • ‘TimeZone’: The timezone of the mailbox
  • ‘UniqueID’: unknown
    • ‘VMContext’: The associated Asterisk context
    • ‘VoiceMailbox’: The associated mailbox
    • ‘VolumeGain’: A floating-point value

Translates the ‘MaxMessageCount’, ‘MaxMessageLength’, ‘NewMessageCount’, ‘OldMessageCount’, and ‘SayDurationMinimum’ values into ints, setting them to -1 on error.

Translates the ‘VolumeGain’ value into a float, setting it to None on error.

Translates the ‘AttachMessage’, ‘CallOperator’, ‘CanReview’, ‘DeleteMessage’, ‘SayCID’, and ‘SayEnvelope’ values into booleans.

class ami.core_events.VoicemailUserEntryComplete(response)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Event

Indicates that all requested voicemail user definitions have been provided.

No, its name is not a typo; it’s really “Entry” in Asterisk’s code.

Aggregate Events

class ami.core_events.CoreShowChannels_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all channels have been received in response to a CoreShowChannels request.

Its members consist of CoreShowChannel events.

It is finalised by CoreShowChannelsComplete.

class ami.core_events.ParkedCalls_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all parked calls have been received in response to a ParkedCalls request.

Its members consist of ParkedCall events.

It is finalised by ParkedCallsComplete.

class ami.core_events.QueueStatus_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all queue properties have been received in response to a QueueStatus request.

Its members consist of QueueParams, QueueMember, and QueueEntry events.

It is finalised by QueueStatusComplete.

class ami.core_events.QueueSummary_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all queue properties have been received in response to a QueueSummary request.

Its members consist of QueueSummary events.

It is finalised by QueueSummaryComplete.

class ami.core_events.SIPpeers_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all queue properties have been received in response to a SIPpeers request.

Its members consist of ‘PeerEntry’ events.

It is finalised by PeerlistComplete.

class ami.core_events.SIPshowregistry_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all SIP registrants have been received in response to a SIPshowregistry request.

Its members consist of RegistryEntry events.

It is finalised by RegistrationsComplete.

class ami.core_events.Status_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all statuses have been received in response to a Status request.

Its members consist of Status events.

It is finalised by StatusComplete.

class ami.core_events.VoicemailUsersList_Aggregate(action_id)

Bases: pystrix.ami.ami._Aggregate

Emitted after all voicemail users have been received in response to a VoicemailUsersList request.

Its members consist of VoicemailUserEntry events.

It is finalised by VoicemailUserEntryComplete.